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District 6 Directory

District 6 Directors are always available to help local associations with any problems or questions. In order to determine who to contact please look at the chart below to determine which director is resposible for your association. Below you will find the District Directors contact information. At the left you will also find contact list for other esential Distirct 6 personnel such as Registrars, Refereees and other District Council Members.

Peggy Paul O Tom Kory Tim Paul T Lonnie
Saline Prep LHC KOHA WMSHA Rockford GRAHA Jackson
Chelsea GR Blades Berrien Grand Valley HAWK Fox Battle Creek
Adrian Biggby SWMB Holland Ludington Jr. Lumberjacks Dexter-Split
Washtenaw Un. Big Rapids

Tom Berry

District Chair/SPC/Re-Districting

Phone: 269-207-2544

Tim Jones

Director/District Treasurer/SafeSport

Phone: 231-629-0189

Peggy Costello

Director/Secretary/Girls & Women's

Phone: 517-673-1780

Paul Osborn

Director/Rules & Hearings

Phone: 616-307- 9671

Kory Karlander

Director/Adult Hockey

Phone: 616-893-3985

Paul Tiefenthal


Phone: 231-740-5813

Lonnie Scott

Director/Safe Sport

Rich Pruszynski

D6 Coaching Director

District 6 Address

PO Box 411
Shelbyville, MI 49344